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Dictaphones at

Ann Hartnett avatar
Written by Ann Hartnett
Updated over 6 years ago

Are you looking for a dictaphone? Here at Huntoffice you will find a great selection of digital and cassette dictaphones. Nowadays even basic dictaphones come with amazing recording times, operating time and dozens of useful functions. Considering the price range between £50 and £900, there is really a lot to choose from depending on one’s budget and needs.

Digital Dictaphones - since such dictaphones use digital audio formats for storing your recordings it is easy to transfer them onto computer, memory stick or any other digital storage device. This technology also allows fitting a lot more recording time on the dictaphone and you also have the option to change the recording quality to get more space. A lot of digital dictaphones come fitted with a memory card slot which makes it possible to significantly expand the recording memory capacity. Our range includes basic and more advanced digital dictaphones as well as fully professional dictation kits. 

We also have a range of dictation accessories such as headphones, foot control, microphones and cassettes which upgrade any dictating experience. We provide basic devices ideal for school or college and professional transcription kits designed for interpreters, journalists and any professionals who use such equipment.

Cassette Dictaphones – the introduction of digital audio recording made the cassette technology less attractive but cassette dictaphones are still very popular among professionals due to their reliability. Cassette dictaphones provide a great quality of sound for recorded material but are limited by the capacity of the tapes that they use. The most popular cassettes allow you to record up to 60 minutes while digital voice recorders can store up to hundreds of hours of recordings. Such dictaphones are ideal for users who don’t mind larger, heavier devices that usually are used by placing them on a flat surface rather than holding it in hand.

Dictation Accessories – to make the most of your voice recording equipment we offer all the necessary accessories which include professional dictation headphones with superb sound quality, ear sponges for heavy used headphones, dictation cassettes in various recording time lengths, dictation foot control units and complete professional transcription kits.

All of our dictaphones and accessories come from top brands such as: Olympus, Philips and Sanyo. We make sure that all the dictaphones here come with the most detailed description for our customers. However, if you require any additional technical details and information or advice regarding dictaphones please contact one of our customer service representatives who will provide you with all the necessary information.

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